It's been quite a while since I last worked on R6, I try to spread my time around the droids as much as I can but there are a lot of times I am just too busy with work and life to be able to work on droids sadly. As we all know, 2020 seems to have ground to a complete halt with COVID_19 showing its ugly face. The only positive that has come out of this is we have started regular zoom meetings between builders and for those who have a lot of time on their hands now, droid building is a regular thing now. Sadly for me, I'm still working from home meaning I can't spend my entire days building. It does however mean I can print some stuff without worrying about it failing and me not being there to save it.

During Lockdown, I have managed to print R6's entire dome top and will soon move onto the pie panels. I was a bit concerned that the top of the dome seems to be bigger than the top of the main dome so hopefully that will fix itself or I'll find a part I have missed or something.